Redefining Quality

Learn More. Do More.

Stand Out From The Pack

  • Learn New Skills

    It all begins with ball mastery. If you can get to the place in your development when it starts to feel like the ball “obeys” your command instead of misbehaves, you know you are on the right track. We’re here to help you not only get there, but teach you what you can do with your newly learned skills and show you how much farther you can take your technical development.

  • Test Your Skills

    Once you have learned your skills, it’s time to put your new powers to the test in different 1v1 scenarios. We start by helping you perform the skill correctly under light defensive pressure and gradually progressing to teaching our players to escape even the most challenging situations in tight spaces. We equip you with the personal tactics you will need to make a greater impact in your team environment by learning when to pass and when to use your dribbling skills.

  • Build Your Legacy

    Once you know how to use your new skills to change the game, now you need to know how to apply these tricks to your team environment and game day. Small group sessions allow you to apply your new skills into small sided games. Simulating the game allows you to practice making decisions such as how to use which tool and when you can try it. When looking to see which decisions bring you the most success, you will have multiple tools to use solve problems on the field. Join the Pack and let’s start training.

Follow the Leader

We are excited and extremely honored to be working with the King of Panna, Jeand Doest (aka EasyMan) who is a 2x World Panna Champion and European Panna Champion. As one of the biggest names in Street Soccer today, EasyMan runs clinics all over the world to show players how much is possible when you have a ball at your feet and you know how to wield it.

We are excited to announce that ShadowTek Futbol will be bringing EasyMan to Virginia for a tour like no other so that our players can learn from one of the greatest to ever play the game. More information on our collaboration coming soon.